这要起源于上世纪98年,克林顿还在的时候,通过的一项《互联网免税法案》,英文原名是Internet Tax Freedom Act。从wiki上抄一下法案的基本内容:
This law bars federal, state and local governments from taxing Internet access and from imposing discriminatory Internet-only taxes such as bit taxes, bandwidth taxes, and email taxes. The law also bars multiple taxes on electronic commerce.
简而言之,就是联邦和地方政府都不得对互联网接入征税,且不得对比特、带宽和电子邮件征税。翻了翻原始法案文件,第720页开始,到后面说了multiple taxes的定义:
IN GENERAL.—The term ‘‘multiple tax’’ means any tax that is imposed by one State or political subdivision thereof on the same or essentially the same electronic commerce that is also subject to another tax imposed by another State or political subdivision thereof (whether or not at the same rate or on the same basis), without a credit (for example, a resale exemption certificate) for taxes paid in other jurisdictions.
简单理解一下(sorry,我不是学法律的,很可能不准),就是多州不得对一项电子商务交易重复征税。2007年的时候,这项法案延续到2014年11月1日(Internet Tax Freedom Act Amendment Act of 2007)。而实践上,大多遵循1992年的一项最高法院的裁决:
In Quill Corp. v. North Dakota, the Supreme Court ruled that a business must have a physical presence in a state for that state to require it to collect sales taxes.
也就是说,只要没有实体店,州政府就不能强制征收消费税。有趣的就是2013年,市场公平法案(Marketplace Fairness Act ),主要内容就是对虚拟商店也要征收消费税或者使用税。众议院目前还没表决。
Normally buyer do NOT pay tax on eBay unless the following 3 criteria all meet:
- The seller is a Business seller.
- The seller has a physical presence in buyer’s shipping address state.
- That state charges sales tax.
也就是说,只有从eBay上的在买家所在州拥有实体店的商业卖家那里买东西、且该州征税,那么消费者才需要为此付税。一般的案例就是Macy‘s或者bestbuy这样在eBay上开网店的。所以一般在eBay上买东西的时候,结帐是看不到sales tax这一项的(美国都是价外税,如果有销售税会在账单上写明的)。这么看,线上卖家就比线下卖家多了免付税这个优势(虽然征税是直接针对消费者征收的,但是税负的实际承担者取决于供给和需求曲线的弹性)。直白的讲,如果我在网上买一件东西包邮需要$100,家旁边的店也卖$100,但是我在店里买需要交9%的税(以加州为例),那么如果不急用,我为啥不在网上买呢?
终于铺垫完了背景,现在来看AER 2014年1月刊的一篇paper:
Einav, Liran, et al. "Sales Taxes and Internet Commerce." American Economic Review 104.1 (2014): 1-26.
every one percentage point increase in a state's sales tax increases online purchases by state residents by almost 2%,while decreasing their online purchases from state retailers by 3.4%.