
linux学习笔记:JDK, rJava以及RJDBC


服务器是公司C3云上的一片,我选的ubuntu 12.04开始折腾。由于是远程server,所以只能shell操作 T_T 看不到ubuntu华丽丽的界面了。


sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list
deb precise/ #文件里加上这一行


sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install r-base

然后就开始折腾RODBC,给teradata跪了,安个teradata ODBC Driver死活不成功,最后请教同事决定投保RJDBC的怀抱。

JDBC基于Java,自然需要装JDK。网上搜了一下,貌似有个open jdk可用。

sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk
sudo update-alternatives --config java #如果已经有多个jre,记得选一个...


sudo R CMD javareconf


JAVA_HOME        : /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre
Java library path: $(JAVA_HOME)/lib/amd64/server
JNI cpp flags    : -I$(JAVA_HOME)/../include
JNI linker flags : -L$(JAVA_HOME)/lib/amd64/server -ljvm
Updating Java configuration in /usr/lib/R

然后就可以开始装R里面的那堆包了。R很神奇,必须sudo R之后install.packages()才有用...可怜我折腾了半天一直报错。

sudo R

然后就是Teradata JDBC Driver了。这厮比ODBC好装的多...基本就是解压...然后就没有然后了。


jdbc.drv <- JDBC("com.teradata.jdbc.TeraDriver", c("/home/user_name/terajdbc4.jar", "/home/user_name/tdgssconfig.jar"))
 jdbc.conn <- dbConnect(jdbc.drv, "jdbc:teradata://xxxx", "xxx", "xxxx")


dbSendQuery(jdbc.conn ,"CREATE TABLE XXX AS XXXX WITH DATA;") #只执行不返回结果
dbGetQuery(jdbc.conn ,"sel 1 from xxx") #执行且返回data.frame(fetch完毕的)





sudo adduser username sudo


今天在同事的帮助下搞定了Rstudio Server版,瞬间爽翻了...

以前是ubuntu 12.04下有个东西装不上: libssl0.9.8。因为默认装好了1.0版本的。但是Rstudio现在的版本必须调用0.9.8版本...于是强行装旧版:

sudo wget
sudo gdebi libssl0.9.8_0.9.8o-7ubuntu3.1_amd64.deb

然后再去装一下Rstudio Server版就好了。

sudo gdebi rstudio-server-0.98.501-amd64.deb


sudo vi /etc/profile


export JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre"
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin:$JAVA_HOME/bin


source /etc/profile

这样就搞定啦。Rstudio监听在服务器的8787端口。可以直接/server:8787 登入。




dbWriteTable(jdbc.conn, name = "testdf", value =test_df)
Error in .verify.JDBC.result(s, "Unable to execute JDBC prepared statement ",  : 
  Unable to execute JDBC prepared statement INSERT INTO testdf VALUES(?,?) ([Teradata Database] 
[TeraJDBC] [Error 3932] [SQLState 25000] Only an ET or null statement is legal after a DDL Statement.)

[2016.1.12 更新]

亲爱的同事写了一个很方便用的r函数来解决这个问题,大家猛戳 -> github


Kindle PaperWhite 电源键失灵/无法唤醒/无法点亮屏幕


Pw比以前的kindle好拆,前面的壳纯属装饰,硬粘上去的,用瑞士军刀最薄的刀片撬开一角就好了。然后一圈螺丝拧下来,嗯,顺利地脱掉后盖。咦,怎么没问题啊,没有零件掉下来啊,怎么触电源触板还是不能唤醒。正当我打算拆电池的时候,又开始网上搜,这次居然搜到了kindle paperwhite的唤醒套。咦,这货居然可以有唤醒套?然后果断去拿ipad唤醒皮套试试。依然无效。





依旧从BerkeleyX: ColWri2.2x Principles of Written English 抄过来的。我真的对这门课是相见恨晚!呜呜,我写英文各种罗嗦(楼下群众:你中文更罗嗦好不好?你看落园多少废话?)

ps 中间有段讲写作语气的我没抄过来,这个感觉和语言就无关了,更多是用词的精准...


what causes wordiness?

Wordiness is using more words than you need to in order to write what you mean.  Everyone has a tendency to be too wordy at times. Some of the causes of this wordiness are:

- Trying to sound too formal or academic. Unfortunately, in academic writing, there are a lot of examples of wordy writing. This doesn't mean you have to model your writing on bad examples. Your readers will always appreciate if you state your ideas clearly, and using no more words than needed.

- Not knowing more precise vocabulary.  For example, saying, She ran quickly to the store can be made somewhat less wordy, and more precise, by saying: She raced to the store (race=run quickly). Finding the right vocabulary can help you cut down the number of words you use. Every reduction helps, even if it's only a word or two.

- Using too many unnecessary and vague modifiers.  Typically, modifiers like really, very, quite, and similar words add no meaning to your writing. If you need to modify a word, find precise modifiers. For example, instead of There's a really tall building near my house, write: There's a 50-story building near my house. 

- Using too many prepositional phrases or possessives. These types of phrases can add length to your sentences, often unnecessarily. So, instead of The car belonging to Mr. Wang is in the garage [10 words], write: Mr. Wang's car is in the garage [7 words].


Writing less wordy prose



下面是抄过来的...来自:BerkeleyX: ColWri2.2x Principles of Written English。读完觉得我的英文写作真的是没受过正规教育...哎。


There are two main sources of error in diction:

1. Choosing the wrong word. This can happen because of confusion between homonyms (words that sound alike but are spelled differently), or because the meaning of the word isn't fully understood.

2. Choosing colloquial, or less formal spoken language when standard or more formal language is called for (or vice versa). In academic writing, formal diction is generally expected.

Here are 21 common errors made in writing formal diction. How many of these usage errors have you made?

1. A lot/lots of

Colloquial: Diana likes her apartment a lot.
Formal: Diana likes her apartment very much.

Colloquial: There are lots of books in our library.
Formal: There are many books in our library.

2. Among/between
(Tip: Among involves more than two; between involves only two)

Colloquial: Discussions between our group members were often very lively.

Discussions Formal: Discussions among our group members were often very lively.

3. Around/ about
(Tip:  Don't use around to indicate time, distance, or other quantity.)

Colloquial: The class usually begins around nine.
Formal: The class usually begins at about nine.

4. Badly
(Tip: "Badly" is not a substitute for "very much.")

Colloquial: The team wanted to win really badly.
Formal: The team wanted desperately to win.

5. Based off of

Colloquial: Based off of that information,  we can move ahead with the plan.
Formal: Based on that information, we can move ahead with the plan.

6. Because
(Tip: Don't use "because" after " reason.")

Colloquial: The reason for our flight delay is because of bad weather.
Formal: The reason for our flight delay is the bad weather.

7. A bunch/bunches
(Tip: Use bunch or bunches only for things that are bound or grow together, like bananas and grapes; it is not used for other countable nouns.)

Colloquial: A bunch of us are going to the movies tonight.
Formal: A group of us are going to the movies tonight.
Formal: There are three bunches of bananas on the counter.

8. Each other/one other
(Tip: Each other refers to two, one another refers to more than two.)

Colloquial: Everyone at the party wished each other a happy new year.
Formal: Everyone at the party wished one another a happy new year.
Formal: My sister and I wished each other a happy new year.

9. Guys

Colloquial: I hope you guys can join me at the restaurant.
Formal: I hope all of you can join me at the restaurant.

10. In / Into
(Tip:  "In" means "within" or "inside", while "into" refers to the motion of going from outside to inside.)

Colloquial: Bill went in the bus station to buy a ticket.
Formal: Bill went into the bus station to buy a ticket.

11. Infer/imply
(Tip: To infer is an act of thinking, to imply is an act of saying something.)

Incorrect:  I saw your memo about a noon meeting. Are you inferring that we should have lunch together?
Correct: I saw your memo about a noon meeting. Are you implying that we should have lunch together?

12. It's/its


Incorrect: The committee has reached it's goals this year.
Correct: The committee has reached its goals this year.

13. Kind of / sort of
(Tip: Don't use "kind of" or "sort of" when you mean "very" , "rather," or "somewhat." )

Colloquial: Jim was sort of angry when he learned we went to the park without him.
Formal: Jim was somewhat upset when he learned we went to the park without him.

14. Less than/fewer than
(Tip: Use less than only with uncountable nouns.)

Colloquial: There are less people in the store today than yesterday.
Formal: There are fewer people in the store today than yesterday.

15. Like / as
(Tip: Use "as" when comparing actions, "like" when comparing things.)

Colloquial: Alan wants to write a new essay, just like Sarah does.
Formal: Alan wants to write a new essay just as Sarah does.

16. Like / maybe
(Tip: Avoid using "like" and "maybe" when estimating; use "approximately", "perhaps" or "about" instead.)

Colloquial: There were like thirty people at my birthday party.
Formal: There were approximately thirty people at my birthday party.

17. Meantime

Colloquial: Meantime, the rain continued to pour.
Formal: In the meantime, the rain continued to pour.
Formal: Meanwhile, the rain continued to pour.

18. On account of

Colloquial: On the account of the weather, our plane was late.
Formal: Because of the weather, our plane was late.

19. Plenty

Colloquial: It has been plenty warm all week.
Formal: It has been very warm all week.

20. So
(Tip: Don't use "so" as a synonym for "therefore".)

Colloquial: Dmitry knew that I missed class, so he shared his notes.
Formal: Dmitry knew that I missed class; therefore, he shared his notes.

Colloquial: This week's homework is so difficult.
Formal: This week's homework is very difficult.

21. They're/their/there


Incorrect: Do you know if their going to the party?
Correct: Do you know if they're going to the party?

Incorrect: What is there address?
Correct: What is their address?