

1. 帝国主义。我在落园无数次的说起“经济学帝国主义”,典型表现就是对其他发展几百年几千年学科的不屑。尤其是对其他社会科学学科的入侵,一副理所当然我们才是对的的高傲姿态。这样的姿态在一届一届老师学生不懈的洗脑之下,越来越严重。可是看看最近几年faculty job market,明显是越来越供大于求,不知道何年何月就要开始出现postdoc了。不对,现在人家不叫postdoc,叫做predoc。

最近跟几个纯econ的人聊天,越来越对那种不知道哪里来的自傲表示无语。人都是好人——就是不能跟他们提econ和其他学科的交叉。世界上明明有那么多你们不知道的,为什么搞得好像自己什么都知道似的呢?想象一下,一个对machine learning半知半解的econ人,突然蹦出来一句,"we are on the top of the data science world"....我好想挖个坑钻进去...

2. 帝国主义的另一端。最近发现cs出身的貌似也被洗脑了,入侵其他学科的姿态一点都不比当年的econ差到哪里去(或许人家开始的更早,只是我接触的太少不够了解)。具体的故事就不说了。值得大家注意的就是ai(人工智能),其实我觉得他们发展的远远没有外面的人想象的那么快,也远远没有大家想象的那么神奇。产品化也不是做的那么好,也没见多少机器人走进千家万户啊。

3. 好玩 vs 好用。大部分东西是好玩而无用。就如这个世界有很多东西美丽而与你无关。但是干嘛关心这么多呢,能自己玩的开心也不错嘛。




前段时间COS上说Rafael Irizarry用最小二乘法帮小朋友玩乐高,已经觉得很出手不凡了。然后今天直接看到了ev3dev.R这个东西,瞬间觉得整个人都不好了...大家要不要这么geek...71sXXBHsf6L._SL1500_


SER: Tell us more about the R part.
SERATRON: I am running RServe server. PCs can communicate with me using RSclient. They do all the heavy computations for me, I can’t be bothered (I have no FPU, can you imagine?!?). Those PCs think they can command me…

SER: Why do you have two servo motors?
SERATRON: So that I can move, you silly!

SER: Hmm, why do you have an infrared sensor?
SERATRON: So that I can avoid obstacles and I will not fall from height. Why do you have eyes donkey?

SER: Errrrrr, what are your touch sensors for?
SERATRON: They also prevent me from falling from height. If I don’t feel the surface below me I am not going to move. Would you?

SER: Ok, last question you naughty robot! What is your gyroscope and accelerometer for?
SERATRON: Can’t you count? It’s not one question but two. I use gyro to know my heading direction. No dumbass, not for balancing, I don’t use it in this axis. I don’t use accelerometer now but I could use tilt input as a third level protection from falling. I could also use it to detect collisions with other objects but I have other means.

SER: It was a pleasure to meet you (coughs), thank you.
SERATRON: I hope I will be finished for SER VII – 08.12.2014!


总而言之这货已经可以自我前进、躲避障碍什么的,为嘛我想起来的是我家那个扫地机器人iRobot 380t?

